Sunday, February 18, 2007

It's Official!

We closed on our new house last Friday and have begun the moving process. (It's the same house in the post below entitled New House). Since the house is brand new we've had to do some preliminary things before we can move like hang blinds and such. We're having movers move all the big stuff tomorrow and hopefully everything will speed up after that. Thank you for your prayers during this endeavor. Here's a picture of Luke tormenting Susie with a toy and Susie "sharing" a drink with Luke.

Friday, February 9, 2007


This picture is pretty much self-explanatory.

Monday, February 5, 2007


My son is not yet 2 and he's already arguing with me. Below is the conversation we had today.

Luke: Want cookie.

JF: No, not until you eat dinner.

Luke: Want cookie.

JF: Luke, you have to wait until after we have dinner.

Luke: Want cookie (he's starting to climb the cabinet to get his own cookie).

JF: Luke, get down right now or you're going to time-out. You can have a cookie after dinner.

Luke: Want cookie!!! (throwing head back and screaming)

JF: nothing - I'm ignoring him.

Luke: Want cookie (climbing cabinet again)

JF: Ok, now you're going to time-out.

Luke: (After getting out of time-out...) Want cookie.

After dinner he gets his cookie; he then takes two bites of it and tears the rest of it up and throws it in the floor. When is this going to stop? Will he be doing this to me for the next 2, 4, 10 years. I think I'm going to need some Prozac to survive this!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Mashed Potatoes Snowman

We ventured out into the snow yesterday for a little while. Luke and Daddy built a snowman and used Mr. Potato Head parts for the face. (Luke calls Mr. Potato Head mashed potatoes hence my title.) I think he looks like Randy from A Christmas Story in the second picture.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Stomach Flu

Luke, Jeremy and I all just recovered from the stomach flu. In a word...YUCK! Luckily, it only lasted about 2 days. A big thank you to Nana for coming to our rescue Sunday. Jeremy was out of town when Luke and I first got sick and I was in no shape to take care of a sick baby. This picture of Luke pretty much speaks to our entire illness experience.